
Tushar H avatar image
Tushar H asked Jeanette F commented

Can I store 2 types of items in single slot

Hello ,

I want that 2 types will be store in single slot . if 1slot per bay in option for me.

can we do like that ?

FlexSim 24.1.1
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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Tushar H, was Jason Lightfoot's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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Hi @Tushar H,

Were you able to solve your problem? If so, please add and accept an answer to let others know the solution. Or please respond to the previous comment so that we can continue to help you.

If we don't hear back in the next 3 business days, we'll assume you were able to solve your problem and we'll close this case in our tracker. You can always comment back at any time to reopen your question, or you can contact your local FlexSim distributor for phone or email help.

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Tushar H commented

Yes - what's stopping you? If you're wondering how to designate types allowed in each slot consider adding a label array to the slot and when finding a slot add the condition that the item's type is in the slot's 'storableTypes' array.

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Tushar H avatar image Tushar H commented ·

As per your guidance I applied array label by using paint slot but I am not understanding where I should map condition

please find the attached modelRack storage 22.fsm

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rack-storage-22.fsm (38.4 KiB)
Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Tushar H commented ·
Your code sets a label 'maxItems' to 2 for every slot. In what way is that storing two types of items in a single slot? Have I misunderstood your requirement?

How did you want to specify the types to be stored? In advance or as they arrive?

How did you want to specify slot capacity? Fixed numbers? By Type? Or by the space available - calculated for each item as it arrives.

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Tushar H avatar image Tushar H Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Your code sets a label 'maxItems' to 2 for every slot. In what way is that storing two types of items in a single slot? Have I misunderstood your requirement? Yes two types in a single slot

How did you want to specify the types to be stored? In advance or as they arrive? In both case they will store. example type1&type2 store in same slot

How did you want to specify slot capacity? Fixed numbers? By Type? Or by the space available - calculated for each item as it arrives. by type

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