
Lou Keller avatar image
Lou Keller asked Sumanth Raja edited

What is the limit to the number of parameters (sets) you can have in a P() statement? How about the dempirical() statement?

I understand the manual command structure. What is the limit to the number of probability sets either the P() statement or dempirical() statement can contain? In other words, if a single "set" is the probability of an outcome and its respective value, should the P() statement be able to handle

FlexSim HC 5.0.12
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1 Answer

Lou Keller avatar image
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Lou Keller answered Sumanth Raja edited

I found the answer to my own question. It's in paragraph 21, of the New Features announcement for FlexSim Healthcare version 2.7.7, published in December 2009. Here's what the entry says...

21. To facilitate quick and easy data entry, two new commands have been included in the software: T() and P(). The first is just a substitute for the triangular() command. However the second, allows you to specify a list of values to be returned based on a corresponding list of probabilities. The format for the data typed into the P() command, is P(value1, percent1, value2, percent2, …) for up to nine different values. If more are required, then the dempirical() or cempirical() commands which can reference an unlimited list of values/percents in a global table must still be used.


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Sumanth Raja avatar image Sumanth Raja commented ·

Hello Lou,

Is there a way to set up something similar, but return text values (such as location names)?

eg. P(85, Bed_Area1, 15, Bed_Area2).

Thank you!


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