
Tam P avatar image
Tam P asked Tam P commented

I cant get my Combiner to work with an Operator

This is what I am unable to get to work properly. I have a Source->Queue1->Combiner->Operator->Queue2 I try to get my Operator to feed Queue2 but I get an error." A traveler's requested destination is not reachable from the network. Please recheck your connections and run the model again. Traveler: Operator1 Destination: Racking Blocks 2 (Queue2)

FlexSim 18.1.1
i cant get my combiner to work with an operator
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5 |100000

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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·
@Tam P

You need to upload your issue model and you can get the solution exactly and quickly.

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Tam P avatar image Tam P David Seo commented ·

I fixed it. Thanks.

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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Tam P commented

@Tam P according your comments, please see the attached model similar as you told in your question. Maybe can be helpfull for your model.model.fsm


model.fsm (29.5 KiB)
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5 |100000

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Tam P avatar image Tam P commented ·

I fixed it.Thanks. Now I am trying to create a token, attach it to an item (fish), use the tokens to get a 40 lb fish block, load 33 fish blocks on to a rack, freeze the rack, then take the blocks off again to be packaged.

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Isaac Litster avatar image Isaac Litster Tam P commented ·

Do you need assistance with the next steps you listed?

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Tam P avatar image Tam P Isaac Litster commented ·

Let me try it first. If I cant get it to work I will be back for help. Thanks.

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