
Chris Ligetti avatar image
Chris Ligetti asked Chris Ligetti answered

Clock Overflow when running Experimenter

I have a model that I regularly run the experimenter for multiple scenarios/replications. I noticed that the model runs were EXTREMELY slow, so I did a very short run just to be able to see the results (including console output). I noticed that each scenario I tried running had System Console output that looked like this:

time: 0.000000 exception: FlexSimClock overflow, run Stopped.

time: 2.070216 exception: FlexSimClock overflow, run Stopped.

time: 2.757870 exception: FlexSimClock overflow, run Stopped.

time: 3.796343 exception: FlexSimClock overflow, run Stopped.

I looked at previous post about this error, but they did not provide answers that were relevant to my model. Anybody have any ideas on what else I can look into? I am definitely NOT getting these system console errors when running the model normally through the UI.

FlexSim 18.0.7
system console error in experimenter runs
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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·

Would you be able to upload your model so we try to replicate the error and see how to solve it?

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1 Answer

Chris Ligetti avatar image
Chris Ligetti answered

I am sorry. Figured it out. It was caused by a divide by 0 error on some MTBF logic that referenced an object label that inadvertently got set to 0 in the scenario setup. Thanks for offering to help.

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