
BHARGAVA S avatar image
BHARGAVA S asked BHARGAVA S commented

Control Point Wait time



I am trying to make my agv stop until a queue is cleared. I have 3 queue's on a global list where the agv selects one queue i.e., available. once it selects a queue it should unload the product there and wait there until the whole queue is cleared. I am trying to use waitforevent in the process flow but it is not working. Could you help me with it ?

FlexSim 18.2.2
agv wait time
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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·

Can you explain what you mean by the whole queue is cleared, which queue is being cleared? the 3 soiledunloading queues don't have anywhere for the items to go, and so never clear.

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BHARGAVA S avatar image BHARGAVA S Joshua S commented ·


Hi @Joshua S please find the attachment

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BHARGAVA S avatar image BHARGAVA S BHARGAVA S commented ·

Hi @Joshua S the queue it selects to drop the material should get empty and until then the agv should wait at that control point connected to queue's.

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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered BHARGAVA S commented

You had everything setup right, you just need to change the line in your wait for event from "token.pulled" to "token.Queue"

pic1.png (13.9 KiB)
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BHARGAVA S avatar image BHARGAVA S commented ·

Thanks @Joshua S it is working now.

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