
Zac L avatar image
Zac L asked tannerp commented

source from processor to various processor

Hi all, I've difficulties to set up this simulation. People from source will go 3 different processors, then leave while all other queues and processors are still operating and do the same job (3 different processors, then leave).

My idea like that people from the source will equally distribute in queue 1 - 9, then go to respective processor. How to check the leaving people already gone for 3 processor? Add a label?

Source -> Queue 1 Processor 1 -> Queue 2 Processor 2 -> Queue 3 Processor 3 ->Sink

At the same time: Source -> Queue 2 Processor 2 -> Queue 4 Processor 4 -> Queue 6 Processor 6 ->Sink , etc...

Many thanks.

FlexSim 20.1.0
flexsim 20.1.0
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

Hi @Zac L, was Braydn T's answer helpful? If so, please click the red "Accept" button on their answer. If not, feel free to comment back with more information and we'll provide further support. Thanks!

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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered

@Zac L

Are you asking how can you check if the people have already gone to 3 Processors? If so, then yes, I think a label would be best. I am not sure what other questions you have about the rest of your model, but it looks great so far!

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