
Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson suggested Matthew Gillespie commented

Create "Jump To" or "Debug" Time

This would be similar to the stop time. However, instead of running the model at the set run speed and stopping at the designated time. It would run the model at max speed (even better if the views did not update either) until the designated time and then stop. This would allow the user to get the the desired time faster and without having to change the run speed. I know that some may see this as trivial. However, when you are debugging a model (or trying to create a video) you often find yourself in a situation where you are constantly trying to get to a certain point in the model and then run from there. It gets quite tedious if you have to constantly adjust the run speed and even more so if you have to minimize views, dashboards, etc. so that the model runs faster to the stop time.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

This feature will be added in 21.1 as a Fast Forward button that runs the model at max speed to the next stop time.

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Brenton King avatar image
Brenton King commented

I totally agree, I have been asking for this for years now but hadn't worded it quite so eloquently. I think calling it a "Jump To" would be great! Would just add another option to the drop down list. This would be VERY helpful.

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Tee Hiett avatar image Tee Hiett commented ·

I would like to see this feature also.


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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie commented

I think it would be better not to have this in the Run Time drop down. It could be something separate in the debug menu.

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Brandon Peterson avatar image Brandon Peterson ♦ commented ·

If it is placed in the debug menu then it would not be an obvious place to look for people who want the functionality but aren't debugging. Some areas of application that would fall into this category are:

-Creating Videos and needing to get to a certain spot in the model quickly

-During demonstrations of the model to end users or clients where you don't want to spend a lot of time changing run speeds and/or don't want to create distractions by having them view parts of the model at high speed.

-During model construction where you want to test a new aspect of the model. *I know this is very close to debugging but it is much more of a new user need where they may not be advanced enough to get into the debugging tools.

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Ralf Gruber avatar image Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·

I think it would be very intuitive, to find the "Jump to" button at the same place, where you set up the time you want to jump to, aka Stop Time.

Very much in favor!


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Clair A avatar image
Clair A commented Clair A edited

Thanks for submitting this very good idea @Brandon Peterson.

A few months ago I also had submitted a similar idea by email to the dev team. I should have better posted here to get votes from the community ! Here is a copy of that email:

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