The idea is that there would be a drop down list that would allow the user to select a different mode for the step button. The drop down would be similar to how the drop down on the "Run Time" and "Run Speed" work. Here are some ideas for different step modes:
-Step to next event time - This would execute all the events that occur at the current clock time and stop at the first event with a new time.
-Step to Selected Object Event - This would execute all the events that do not belong to the (or one of the) selected object(s) and stop at the first event that involved the selected object(s).
-Step x Events - This would be almost the same as the current step function but would step the designated number of events instead of just one.
-Step to Selected Event from Event List - This would be trickier as it would require the ability to select an event from the event list as well.
A big reason for wanting this functionality is to be more efficient when debugging. a lot of times you know the time or object that you want to observe but there are many (sometimes hundreds) of step button clicks between you and the event you want.
I would love to hear of any additional modes that people have in mind!