
Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber asked Phil BoBo answered

Out of Disk Space Windows Error

A client got the Windows error message "Out of Disk Space" when attempting to install FlexSim 2023.2.1, although the destination folder was on drive D: with plenty of space. Drive C: is almost completely filled though. My question: Does FlexSim need space on C drive, even if install path is on drive D:? If so, how much space would be required on drive C: for this case?



FlexSim 23.2.1
disk spaceinstallation path
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

When installing programs in Windows, the operating system uses a service called Windows Installer.

During installation, Windows Installer stores files within its system drive (wherever Windows is installed; almost always "C:"). This may include temporary files, cached files, desktop shortcuts, start menu icons, Windows Profile settings, and other files required for Windows' list of installed Programs (including files required for subsequent uninstallation).

I don't know exactly how much space Windows requires for all its Windows Installer files that it tracks in order to install FlexSim's application files.

FlexSim doesn't need all those files in order to run though. Windows just uses those files to manage FlexSim as an installed application. If you wanted to just copy FlexSim's installation files from one computer to another, that would work fine. The main caveat to doing that is that you'll need to run FlexSim as an administrator the first time you open it in order to install the FlexNet Licensing Service if it wasn't installed by the installer.

Alternatively, you could free some space on your operating system drive. The following article has some tips for temporary Windows files that can be safely removed: "You are out of disk space" when installing on Non-C drive

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