
chao.g avatar image
chao.g asked Arun Kr answered

Rack Draw Mode

Is there a way I can change the thickness of the beam in the rack to any thickness I want? Currently, in the draw mode under model tree for the rack, I can change the value from 1 to 4, but none of those give me ideal graphics where I can see both the rack and the item that's inside the rack. The picture attached here is using draw mode value 1, the beam is too thick that it's blocking view of the items in it.



FlexSim 16.2.2
rack.png (355.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr answered

Hi Chao,

You have to write open GL code inside the custom draw trigger of the Rack to accomplish this.

Here is a related link.Rack

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