
Markku MT avatar image
Markku MT asked Markku MT commented

How to continuously rotate 3 operators through 3 workstations?

Any help appreciated with my question. I do not know how to modell this simply way.

FlexSim 17.2.3
operator routing problem
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

What do you mean with rotate operators through workstations? Is a operator a flow item, or is he worker doing a job.

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Markku MT avatar image Markku MT Joerg Vogel commented ·

Hello. F.ex 2 operators are pushing produt assembly through 3 workstations in which ot each they are doing part assembly into product. After passing last workstation the product assembly is ready and operator will start again from the 1st workstation.

So I would like to rotate 2 operators through the 3 workstations in sequence 1st, 2nd and 3rd workstation.

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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
1 Like"
Jeff Nordgren answered Markku MT commented

@Markku MT,

Here is a simple model done with Process Flow. Using PF is both the easiest way and the most visual to see exactly what is happening in the model. I could show you how to do it by creating manual task sequences within the model but that can become a little messy sometimes and a lot harder to follow and understand. Please let us know is you have any questions or problems.



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Markku MT avatar image Markku MT commented ·

Great! Thank you for your quick response and excellent model. It' just what I was after.

PS. In a meantime I managed to familiarize myself with PF modelling by FlexSim - with similiar kind of trial- model assy-line.fsm - but I managed onlyt to pass one operator through 2 workstations. You did it perfect.

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assy-line.fsm (23.2 KiB)
Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren Markku MT commented ·
@Markku MT

Thank you. I'm glad I was able to help.

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Markku MT avatar image Markku MT Jeff Nordgren commented ·

Just one more question: How to pick operator to run the machine in this modell - in order to get correct statistic for operators. I did not get this solved by any available selection of the machine resource picking. Even If I select "Freeoperator" - he seems to be idle during the machine run time.

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