
Daniel L avatar image
Daniel L asked Phil BoBo answered

Failed to initiliaze Excel Application! Error Code -2147312566

Dear FlexSim Team,

we newly installed FlexSim 17.1.2 Build 497 on 5 of our company laptops, because these colleagues get a teaching on it. During the teaching there were 4 custom libraries installed and now everytime on starting up the FlexSim we get the error message mentioned in the question title.
the strange thing is, that one of this 5 colleagues has got no error message whatsoever, so it is working fine for him.

Each laptop has got the same configuration: Windows 10 Pro 64bit and Microsoft Office 2010 32bit.
I've already tried upgrading to MS Office 2013 64bit, but that didn't make any change.

Hopefully anyone in that community is able to provide some suggestions!

Many thanks in advance for the effort!!



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flexsim excel application error
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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long commented ·

Do you have the desktop version of MS Office installed or the online version?

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ commented ·

The question states that you are using version 17.1. Does this problem exist in 18.0 or 18.1?

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Joerg Vogel commented

We looked at the computer through a teamviewer session to look at its configuration and test some fixes. Upgrading to Office 2016 fixed the issue on that computer.

Now that we've seen its configuration, we'll see if we can replicate the issue and improve the Excel import to handle it.

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