
Sunshine F avatar image
Sunshine F asked Sunshine F commented

How to let Operator3 carries items in Processor2 to Processor3?

Hi, I want to let Operator3 carries items in Processor2 to Processor3 with PF but the model can't run correctly. I wanna kown why I failed. Does anybody give me a answer?

Thanks a lot

FlexSim 17.2.5
application of pf
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Sunshine F commented

The model use a single tasksequence list. Each transport tasksequence is pushed to this list. On a OnProcessFinish event or on a TransportRequest event a pull activity looks for a suitable tasksequence. Currently there isn't a query or another method to distinguish which tasksequence is suitable.

One approach is to divide the complete list in sublists by using partitions.Where ever you need only a part of the list you use this ID to get results from there. The Partition ID is for example the object that pushes the tasksequence to a list. you can use the reference


In the queue you get the additional parametersto set the Partition ID by pushing on the double down arraw button on the right side. The opposite button to close the additional parameters can you see in the next picture at the right bottom

The Event Triggered Source activity puts the Assign Event Object To a label at the token. You write simply token.your_Label_Name in the field:


This puts the reference of the object triggering the event into the label partition. You have a reference to the partition of your list.

The Pull From List activity uses the value of this label at the Parameter Partition ID to choose only tasksequences of the list where the Partition ID matches the label value.


You should use this approach at every 3D object that pushes entries to the list and in every process that pulls from the list.

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Sunshine F avatar image Sunshine F commented ·

@Jörg Vogel

I successfully correct the model according to the solution you provided with me.

Thanks a lot

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