
Mehmet Uysalgil avatar image
Mehmet Uysalgil asked tannerp edited

Is there any way to count operator steps for a cycle of process ?

I wanna measure the operator moving between this stations ?

Is there any way to count operator steps for a cycle of process and to measure how long it take ?

Thanks for attention and interest.

FlexSim 18.2.2
to measure operator moves
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

@Mehmet Uysalgil

I don't think FlexSim can count the number of steps, because it's simply running an animation to make it look like the operator is taking steps. But, perhaps the distance traveled could help? This could then be used to calculate the time traveled.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Mehmet Uysalgil

And beside the things that @Tanner Poulton mentioned, each operator in real life would have a different length stride. So you would have to take the distance traveled and divide it by the specific operator's stride length.

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Isaac Litster avatar image Isaac Litster commented ·

Hi @Mehmet Uysalgil

Were you able to solve your problem?

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1 Answer

Mehmet Uysalgil avatar image
Mehmet Uysalgil answered tannerp edited

Thanks you all for your comments,but I couldn't solve this issue because ı dont know how to use the distance traveled.I use this simulation for a presentation ı used a timer to show the differences between two process flow.

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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

I apologize we didn't get back to you sooner, but you can track an operator's travel through statistics on a dashboard. Here's a few screenshots to explain:

You will click on the pin/tack and select the dashboard you'd like to add it to, then it will appear on the dashboard and look like the image below:

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