
Aurélien FR avatar image
Aurélien FR suggested Aurélien FR commented

Create object, copy labels from token

An option to copy the labels from the token to the object in "create object" activity would be very useful.

object labels
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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
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Sebastian Hemmann commented

In my world having the same labels on a token and on a 3D object brings you very fast to a point, where you further might want to update both labels immediately as any value changes. Since this could be a very complex task, with the actual pickoptions, I actualy prefer to decide what information / label value is important to have on what object. Missing this option boost this way to work for me. As @Joerg Vogel mentions programming can solve this easily.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel commented

You can copy a sub treenode branch from a token into an item. Obviously you need a source code line to achieve this, but it is only source code.

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