
Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr suggested Jordan Johnson commented

Capability To Import Google Sheets Into FlexSim Global Table

Hi Everyone,

We get a lot of requests from our customers about this feasibility. Nowadays, I see many companies are using google sheets instead of normal spreadsheets. Pls, share your thoughts on the same.


Arun KR

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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson commented

Some dev thoughts:

First, see the guide to importing data from Google Sheets:

Thoughts on ease-of-use: Using export-to-csv or copy/paste has fewer steps than configuring the UI on the Simul8 page. If import happens once, then FlexSim's experience is simpler. If the import happens infrequently, a UI provides a very small improvement to the user's experience. If the data changes frequently, then a UI might help some users and hinder others. On the other hand, if the user bites the bullet of writing their own script, they can do whatever they need to do with the data.

Thoughts on Security: If Simul8 has access to a user's Google sheets, that seems like a security issue. I wonder how many of their customers are either prohibited from using that feature or are accidentally violating their IT policies by using it. If the user creates an app (takes about 10 minutes) on their own google account instead of FlexSim creating that app, then that issue goes away.

Thoughts on Maintenance: Web-based features tend to have higher maintenance and tech-support costs. If FlexSim decided to go forward with an approach like Simul8's (in spite of the security concerns) then I wonder how much time we'd spend maintaining that code as the Sheets API changes, and how long we'd spend talking to users with network settings that aren't compatible with our feature.

None of the above should be taken as a decision about this feature one way or another. It's just a reflection on a) current workflows and b) current developer thoughts.

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Clair A avatar image
Clair A commented

Hi @Jordan Johnson , what's the status of this idea in the dev list ?

Like @Arun Kr, I notice that some companies are moving away from Office and Excel and now use Google Sheets instead.

Simul8 allows to import data from Google sheets:


FlexSim currently does not tick that checkbox, but that's feature that more and more users need.

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ commented ·

The status is that it's on the dev list as a request from users. We don't have current plans to implement this, but we are monitoring these kinds of requests.

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