
Fiona Kattenstroth avatar image
Fiona Kattenstroth suggested Jason Lightfoot commented

Option to „deactivate“ 3D-objects and toolbox-elements

We are working on a very large model (> 35.000 object treenodes) and are facing the problem that it takes about 10-12 seconds to reset it. To work efficiently with the model in the long-term, we would like to reduce the model reset time.
One solution is to move the object nodes, that are currently not needed for a specific simulation scenario, into a “dummy”-node outside the model-node in the model tree. Thereby these objects get ignored on reset and the model reset takes less time. The big disadvantage of this solution is, that you have to move all objects back under the model-node before saving the model. Otherwise the objects are gone once you close FlexSim.
To resolve this issue, our idea is the following: Is it possible to create a special node/folder under (or outside) the model-node, which content is ignored on reset but the contained objects are still there after saving the model and can be moved back under the model-node if needed?

The same functionality would be great for toolbox-elements like Process Flows, Global Lists, etc.

proces flowtreenodeperformancetoolbox3d objetcs
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1 Comment

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie commented

You could improve your current workflow by making a custom module that moves nodes before reset and then moves them back in after reset is done. For example, here's a simple module I made that does this. (I followed the steps in Module SDK Quick Start to create the module).

Download this file and put it in the modules folder of your installed FlexSim so the path for ResetHider.t is something like "C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2022\modules\ResetHider\ResetHider.t"

Now open FlexSim and the module should be loaded. Here's a test model that shows it working:


You'll notice that when you reset the model Processors 1 and 3 print their names to the console, but not Processor2 which is in "MODEL:/Tools/ResetHider".

This module just adds 2 nodes to the main tree:

1. MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/hideNodes - This script is fired at the start of resetting the model and moves the ResetHider node out of the model.

2. MAIN:/project/events/OnPostResetModel/restoreNodes - This script is fired once reset is done and moves the ResetHider back into the Tools folder.

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