
ASMonty avatar image
ASMonty suggested Matthew Gillespie commented

Bug report for mouse over with eye dropper of assign labels

I was using the eye dropper to assign the value field from a Global table to a "by percentage" distribution for the "assign labels block" in process flow. My screen was setup so the global table was on the left and the process flow is on the right. Once I click on the eye dropper, as I move my mouse to the global table it mouses over the process flow area of the screen. 1691432847943.png

I did not click on anything but as the mouse passes over the process flow get the following errors:




This only happens when I mouse over the comment text on the arrows in the screen above that say 3104, 5182 and 6000. If I move the mouse so it does not pass over this text it all works as intended.

errorsprocessflow erroreye dropper
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1 Comment

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie commented

Thanks for pointing this out. I'll add it to the dev list.

5 |100000

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