
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 suggested Jason Lightfoot commented

Counter in objects group and time tables

I found out it would be helpful and faster to have a count of selected items, (similar to what we see in Excel as count of selected cells feature) for Timetables and Object Groups, as I've shown below. When there is so many members in groups or timetables and just want to do a quick check, having this count would make things faster and less likely to mistake the count. Not sure though if anyone else knows a quicker way to do the counting of members.


1711655900445.png (260.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie commented

In a script console you can get the number of objects in a group with

  1. Group("Group1").length
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot commented

For the group you can use a script window to evaluate the expression:

  1. Group("CleanASCMFG_Operators2").length

for the timetable its a little more complex:

  1. node(">variables/members",Tools.get("TimeTable","ShiftAB_Combined_ALL")).subnodes.length

You may be able to better manage the members through the use of parameters (that change the number of members) or templates (that ensure instances are also added to the group/timetable) removing the need to do what seems to be a check of a manual member adding process.

· 2
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