It would be helpful if the 3D model view could be set to follow an object as it moves around the model. The idea would be to right-click on an operator for example, select "Follow this object", and then whenever the operator moves to various processors, the camera view pans to follow them. Here are some implementation details:
- For simplicity, only one object should be followed at a time.
- Some kind of position averaging or adjustable panning speed limit would be useful in case the model speed is set very high, otherwise it might be too chaotic to follow, and might cause motion sickness in the end user.
- There should be a way to set the follow distance and camera orientation (r and theta).
- It should be possible to have this capability with an operator, tote, box or any other moving object so that goods or operators can be visually traced through the model during simulation runs.
- Objects should also be capable of being followed as they exit resources such as processors. An example would be to right-click on a processor and select "Follow exiting items", so that each time an item leaves the object, the camera follows it until another object requests the camera view.
- If an object is destroyed while being followed, the camera view should be left where the object was destroyed.
Thanks for considering this idea.