
Cameron Pluim avatar image
Cameron Pluim suggested Abhay Bajpai commented

Can DISTINCT be added as a keyword for queries?

sqlselect query
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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt commented ·
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Cameron Pluim avatar image Cameron Pluim Mischa Spelt commented ·
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Abhay Bajpai avatar image Abhay Bajpai Mischa Spelt commented ·

How can I use DISTINCT to list out distinct values from the column into another table?

Already tried the following code and got the error "time: 0.000000 exception: FlexScript exception: Could not parse query SELECT DISTINCT ModelName FROM ProductionOrder at MODEL:/Tools/UserCommands/WriteStationMaps/code"

string sql4="SELECT DISTINCT ModelName \
FROM ProductionOrder";

Table result4=Table.query(sql4);
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Abhay Bajpai commented ·
DISTINCT isn's a keyword you can use - as it mentions on this page and in the documentation. Use:

SELCT ModelName From ProductionOrder GROUP BY ModelName

In future please post a new question.

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martin.j avatar image
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martin.j commented

The DISTINCT keyword does have its uses, but many problems where you need it can be solved by using the Group by statement: This will give you a list where each new distinction of column name has its own row. Now you can iterate through the distinctions.

SELECT COUNT(*), [column-name] FROM table GROUP BY [column-name]

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