In our opinion, the following improvements on the Dashboards widgets, if possible to be implemented, should be useful:
- On the Tracked Variable Time Plot widget is useful to fit the graph on y axis and, instead, to choose the minimum and maximum y shown. Otherwise, some graph is quite impossible to understand.
Something similar is done on the Experimenter results graph: - On the Histogram, currently, we can only choose the number of bars. Should be useful to choose the interval length and so the starting and ending values otherwise sometimes we're not able to represent correctly our outputs:
- Could be also useful, on Histogram, to be chosen an automatic number of bars calculation trough an heuristic that changes the number of the bars based on the number the values of the dataset.
- On State Pie is possible to define the "Precision" of the data. It could be useful also to have a precision when hovering the graph with the cursor (like on an histogram). As an example, in this graph I cannot read the Frequency value:
- On Histograms we'd like to define the axis names (as in the Time Plot)
Also in Histograms could be useful to collect data only into a time window