I would like to suggest that there be a standard Library or pick list of operator animations that can be chosen during a specific task or independently. For example. When I am using process flow and the operator is delayed i.e. working I would like him to do a continuous motion, similar to the typing action simulated with the new people module. We may want people to point, reach and grab, type, Make motions right to left or left to right such as Taking an object from the right, working on it during the processing delay time, then passing it with or without necessarily moving position (operator location). This is typical in Single Piece Flow and Cellular design systems in Lean. I am getting requests to add this to the simulation animations so people can visualize the work in the cell. It would be nice to STACK these animations and sequence them when necessary and accompanied by a discrete process flow action as well. Make the people and operator modules a single thing and not separate