
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen suggested Steven Hamoen commented

bugs & questions in 2019

I found 2 bugs in 2019 beta (30th of november build). tested in a demo version:

1. If you drag in a multilocation, check the Edit mode, change the location to a higher number ( I used 18) uncheck the Edit mode check box and press reset, the amount of locations is a back to standard (being 9)

2. Right click in 3D you will get the popup menu and there is a typo in transport group:

3. If you enter a name in the Name column of the data time source (of the arrivals process flow that is automatically created in a people flow model), that name is given to the token that is created but how can you put that name on the 3D object that is created?

bugs betamultilocation
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1 Comment

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo commented

We fixed #1 and #2. Thanks for bringing those to our attention.

For #3, this is how all of the ProcessFlow Source activities work. If you want to rename the person in the 3D view, use a Custom Code activity with the Set Name picklist after the Create Person activity:

The Arrivals ProcessFlow is there to quickly create common starting activities that you would want when creating person flows. You are welcome to customize it to your needs afterwards.

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