
Enrique Elizaga avatar image
Enrique Elizaga suggested Sam Stubbs commented

Enable Excel-style filters on tables

Sometimes when browsing a table, it is difficult to spot specific rows or entries. It would be great to be able to filter tables to show/hide rows maybe with the typical tools filter, order A>Z / Z>A.

global tablesfilter
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1 Comment

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs commented

The tables in FlexSim are designed to be a bit simpler than what a full fledged spreadsheet program has. Having said that, the Table class of objects in FlexSim does allow you to sort via command script.

Using the Table.sort command in a script or On Reset trigger could give you what you're looking for.


Tablesort(Variantcolumns ,VariantsortDirections = 0 )


columns The column or columns to sort.
sortDirections The directions each column should be sorted. 0 is Descending and 1 is Ascending.


Table The table.


Sorts table columns.

  1. table.sort(1);
  1. table.sort([1, 2, 3], [1, 0, 1]);

This basic sort command will sort numbers numerically, and strings alphabetically.

However adding a more "in depth" Sort filter seems like a good idea too! Thanks for the suggestion!
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