
Kyle P avatar image
Kyle P suggested Jacob Gillespie commented

Debug/breakpoint RAM usage

While using Flexsim, once the model gets to a certain complexity the debug/breakpoint function is practically useless, which is exactly when you need the debug function the most. What is happening is that the model will run fine, using about 3-3.5gb of RAM. Then if a debug is attempted by placing a breakpoint somewhere in the model, the model will consume the remaining bit of RAM in the system (>11gb) and crash the computer.

I have been working around this issue by carefully placed print() statements, but it would be nice to step through the code if needed.

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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie commented

This was fixed in the FlexSim 19.0.6 bugfix

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Kyle P commented


Here's an example... I've already put the breakpoints in the UserCommand. Run the script then press continue and it will likely replicate the issue. The script takes ~20min to run on my computer without the debug; so I apologize for that.

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Kyle P commented Phil BoBo edited

Here is an example... I stopped it before it reached 16gb, but it would have continued the upward trend indefinitely. I can post an example model if needed, but I will need to trim it down below 25MB.
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