
Jeremy R avatar image
Jeremy R asked Jeremy R commented

Using the search bar in the online documentation

I cannot figure out how to use the search bar in the online documentation.

There is a search bar at the top of the page, which I assume I should be able to type a search term into and get results from the documentation including the term I searched for. I believe I have even used this search feature before successfully.

However, once I type my search term into the search bar, I cannot figure out how to actually run the search. Pressing "Enter" does not work, the magnifying glass icon is not a button, and there is no button next to the search bar to press.

I have tried this in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Edge, and I cannot get the search to work in any of them (so I'm fairly confident that it's not due to extensions in my browser).

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jeremy R commented

This is a web service problem - thanks for pointing it out. We should get it up and running again soon.

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