
Nitithorn I avatar image
Nitithorn I asked Eric M commented

Can I set the "combiner" output?

  1. Take Red Box, Yellow Box and Green Box to "Combiner", one for each item. We can set the output to Black Box, White Box, Blue Box, Black Box, White Box, Blue Box. Black box, white box, blue box?
  1. Now take the red box, yellow box, and green box to "Combiner", one for each item.
  1. The output is black box, white box, blue box, black box, black box, black box and white box.

what should i do?

FlexSim 19.0.0
combiner itemtypejoin
· 2
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Eric M edited

Hi @Nitithorn I,

Here's a way you can set the output colors using process flow and a global table. The table has the desired color sequence and the process flow allows that sequence to repeat. Note that column 2 of the global table isn't used other than being a reference for which number in column 1 corresponds to which color (which is set in the "Change Visual" activity).

combiner output color 2019.fsm

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