
sang avatar image
sang asked David Seo answered

How can I add a collision detection to the created TaskExecuter Flowitem?

collision problem.fsm In my model, i am planning to create numerous TaskExecuter Flowitems by ProcessFlow. but I need them(Flowitem) to detect a collision when they get within a certain distance from each other. For this, i added the collision sphere from the FlowItem Bin. The collision sphere is added to the items that are created but they don't detect each other.

FlexSim 19.0.0
flexsim 19.0.0collision problem
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collsion-view.png (321.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered


You should use Task Executer of 'Transporting' not 'Task Executer item' in order to preventing Collision detecting'.

In first you should study tutorials in Help manual.

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