
Miguel C12 avatar image
Miguel C12 asked Eric M answered

Conditional movement according to WIP and Waiting time

Is there a way to create a comparison between the creation time and the processing time in order to move the products to different queues? I my model I want to move the objects that are treated instantly to the OnTime queue but the ones that are waiting for a product to be developed be moved to the Delayed Queue.

The whole system is based on comparing the color of the pallet and the color of the boxes created in Queue21. When they are a match they can be trasnported to the corresponding queue. What happens is that some boxes in Queue21 will have to wait until the storage (Queue17) has products finished of the same color.

I tried to create a dashboard and recover the times but I wasn´t able to do it and then I tried to add a resource acquire function and establish a WHERE query but that also didn´t work. I thought that maybe comparing the creation time of the boxes in Queue21 and the time they are moved to Queue17 could be helpful but I don´t know if that is possible.


FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1delaywip
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered

Hi @Miguel C12, I managed this by creating a label on the box in Queue21 that determined its total time in the queue. I did this by creating a label when a box entered and assigned the model time, then when the box left I assigned the model time, then I found the difference of those to find the total time in the queue. I then inserted a decide activity in your process flow to route the boxes to OnTime or Delayed based on how long the box was waiting in the queue (right now the decision sends it to on time if the time is <= 1 which can be changed).


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