
Serge A avatar image
Serge A asked Serge A edited

Table.sort should use a stable sort algorithm

Apparently, Table.sort is not stable (see the video attached):

How to reproduce: create a global table GlobalTable1 and run this script:

Table t = Table("GlobalTable1");
t.setSize(20, 4);
for (int i = 1; i <= t.numRows; i++) {
t[i][1] = 0;
t[i][2] = uniform(0, 1000);
t[i][3] = uniform(0, 1000);
t[i][4] = uniform(0, 1000);
t.setColHeader(1, "Time");
t.setColHeader(2, "A");
t.setColHeader(3, "B");
t.setColHeader(4, "C");

Each time you call


the order of rows in the global table will be different.

So, if you call Table.sort on Reset, and the order of rows impacts simulation, then the results will be different each time you run this simulation.

Why it matters: If Table.sort is not stable, then simulation results may change according to how many times it is called. This may be an issue if input or configuration data have to be sorted on reset or during simulation run, because each subsequent reset and run will produce different results. So simulation results are not reproducible if Table.sort is used (FlexSim has to be restarted to reproduce the first simulation run).

FlexSim 21.1.3
tableflexsim 21.1.3sort
h510jjg8vf.mp4 (548.0 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Serge A , was Jason L's answer helpful? If so, please click the red "Accept" button at the bottom of one of their answers. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always unaccept and comment back to reopen your question

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Serge A avatar image Serge A Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·
I don't think that adding a row number column to every table is an acceptable workaround that works in all situations.

IMO the choice of the unstable sort as a Table.sort algorithm is not justified in the context of simulation because it easily breaks reproducibility of the results. I'd like to promote this question to a feature request to change Table.sort algorithm.

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Eric M avatar image Eric M Serge A commented ·

Hi @Serge A, please check out the article: How do I submit feature requests or bug reports? to send in a feature request. Include a link to this question as well, so they can see what's been discussed. Thanks!

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Serge A avatar image
Serge A answered Serge A edited

Workaround 1

This is a workaround, sorttable_stable_inplace command, implemented in Flexscript.

user library with this command: SortLib.fsx

just user command subtree: sorttable_stable_inplace.fsx

Save SortLib.fsx in %userprofile%\Documents\FlexSim 2021 Projects\libraries, load it from Flexsim (File / Open User Libraries...).

Stable in-place sort of a table.


(treenode table[, Array sortcolumns, Array sortdirs])


Unlike sorttable and Table.sort, which are not stable, this command sorts a table and preserves the relative order of the elements with equivalent sortcolumns' values (default: first column).

Sorting directions are ascending by default (empty sortdirs), pass 0 as the n-th element to sort a column in descending order. Normally, sortdirs has the same length as sortcolumns.

For simplicity of implementation this command uses insertion sort algorithm, which can be O(N^2) in the worst case.

Usage is similar to Table.sort:

Table mytable = Table("MyGlobalTable");
sorttable_stable_inplace(mytable, ["ColumnHeader1", "ColumnHeader2"], [1/*ascending*/, 0/*descending*/]);

Multiple calls to sorttable_stable_inplace will not change the order of table rows.

This command is probably not very efficient on data bundle tables, because there's no efficient way to swap data bundle entries.

Workaround 2

Another workaround is to use SQL query and ORDER BY, which is a stable sort. This workaround requires to create a second temporary table where sorted results can be cloned to.

// ORDER BY is a stable sort
Table sorted = Table.query("SELECT * FROM GlobalTable1 ORDER BY A");

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Serge A commented

This is normal - you need to add another field to the array of fields by which the sort is performed. If other fields also have duplicates then it might be simpler to add a unique index and sort by that as a secondary field.

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Serge A avatar image Serge A commented ·

The point is I don't want to sort by other fields (because I want the records to remain in the same relative order).

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Serge A commented ·

They will if you apply the secondary index while they're in the correct relative order.

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Serge A avatar image Serge A Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

If we initialize the table like this:

Table t = Table("GlobalTable1");
t.setSize(20, 4);
for (int i = 1; i <= t.numRows; i++) {
    t[i][1] = 0;
    t[i][2] = uniform(0, 1000);
    t[i][3] = uniform(0, 1000);
    t[i][4] = uniform(0, 1000);
t.setColHeader(1, "Time");
t.setColHeader(2, "A");
t.setColHeader(3, "B");
t.setColHeader(4, "C");

then Table.sort with secondary indices will sort these secondary columns, which is exactly what I want to avoid:

Table t = Table("GlobalTable1");
t.sort(["Time", "A", "B", "C"]); // orders by A

Table.sort, as it is implemented now, orders the table by the first secondary index "A". Stable sort by "Time" column should leave the table unchanged.

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