
Martin B6 avatar image
Martin B6 asked Martin B6 commented

Evaluation of operator KPIs over time?

How to find out the actual working hours per week? For this, following, I tried to write a global table (processtime) with user events (ProcesstimeWeeks), where the exact working hours per week should be written. But unfortunately this did not work. Can someone help me with this? Or are there already standards or other methods (maybe a tracked variable) to find out about the working hours per week?

Model attached:


Thank you!

FlexSim 20.2.3
global tableflexsim 20.2.3utilize operatoruser events
p-time-perweek.fsm (1.9 MiB)
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Martin B6 commented


the code is correct, but your operator never gets into state utilize. You can try with a state like scheduled-down to see it is functioning.

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Martin B6 avatar image Martin B6 commented ·


thank you very much for your answer. You are right, if I use another state for example STATE_BUSY then the code works.

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