
Cristian Manzano avatar image
Cristian Manzano asked Cristian Manzano commented

Cantidad de pacientes que pasan por cada una de las rutas

Buenas tardes @Eric M @Jeanette F, quisiera poder calcular el número de pacientes que se va por cada uno de las rutas que puse en el decide. ¿ Cómo puedo calcular dicho valor de pacientes o tokens? ¿ Me pueden ayudar con esto por favor?. Adjunto el modelo para mayor claridad.


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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Cristian Manzano commented

Hi @Cristian Manzano I would use a Census chart to know how many are in each decide currently in the model, or throughput to know how many patients have left the model through a specific route in the decide activity. To do this, I would add a label to the patients in the "People Settings" in the toolbox. This label could be something like "Route." I would make it 0 by default. Then when a patient leaves a decide, have them go through an "Assign Labels" activity that changes that label to something unique to that route. Finally, in the charts' properties you can add a Partition by Person Label and select the newly created label. The chart will now break up the data based on which label value a certain patient has.

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