
Daniel R13 avatar image
Daniel R13 asked Eric M commented

MyTaskExecuter Not In Library

Hi Everyone!

I am attempting to create a custom module DLL and load it into my FlexSim environment. Followed the steps located here in the "Implementing Module DLLs" section but it never shows up in the library on the left side. I am able to see the MyTaskExecuter module when I run the webserver and I submit a get request for the get modules endpoint, but still not seeing anything in the library. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!


FlexSim 21.1.3
developmentflexsim 21.1.3dllmodules
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

The structure for how the Library view is configured has become more complex in the latest FlexSim version than when that documentation was made.

The path for where the list of objects for each section of the library is defined is in VIEW:/standardviews/modelingutilities/LibraryIconGrid/GroupIconGrid>variables/visibilityLists/base/list.


The Task Executers are defined in MAIN:/project/exec/globals/LibraryGroups/TaskExecuters.


In addition to adding MyTaskExecuter to MAIN:/project/library/taskexecuters, you'll also need to add a node to MAIN:/project/exec/globals/LibraryGroups/TaskExecuters that has a droppath to it, as shown in the TaskExecuter and Transporter above.

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