
Lukas Buchta avatar image
Lukas Buchta asked Ryan Clark commented

how to control operator's task priority?

The operator1 does his loading process from "load and send to workstation". When tote in the queque 5 gets empty.yama 1.9.fsm

Model works perfectly, when I use two different operators for those tasks. When I use only Operator 1, I don't know how to set the priority of the task. Operator1 do both tasks in the same time.

Can you please help me to set up, how? Operator 1 must finish his last task in the loading process and then move to the cart and continue together to the AMP zone and load new totes.cart.jpg

FlexSim 21.2.2
operatortasksequencepriorityflexsim 21.2.2
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1 Answer

Patryk avatar image
Patryk answered Felix Möhlmann commented

To use the same operator for multiple tasks, it is best to connect the "Acquaier" blocks to the same "resource" block


I added aquaier and release opertor between subsequent activities so that in a situation where there isn't an item, the operator does not wait indefinitely but performs other activities.

In the attached model, I change the push Trolley logic.


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yama-19-3.fsm (9.2 MiB)
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