
Andre T6 avatar image
Andre T6 asked Ben Wilson answered

Installation Error

Hi everyone,

I have a problem when installing flexsim 21.2.2 (.msi file). I already tried the 10 method that mentioned in here, but nothing works. When i tried the 10th method, i got an error that has the same message as the picture below.

capture.pngAnd i tried with the .exe file, but i got the "canceled by user" notification. I try the link above but still didn't works

Can anyone help me fix this?

FlexSim 21.2.2
installation errorinstallation issueinstallation cancelled
capture.png (8.2 KiB)
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Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered

@Andre T6 ,

The installer we were hosting appears to have had an issue. I've re-uploaded a new copy of the installer. Please download and try again. Let me know of success or failure with this new one.

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Andre T6 avatar image Andre T6 commented ·
Thank you sir, now the issue finally fixed.
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Andre T6 avatar image Andre T6 commented ·
Thank you sir. Now the issue is finally fixed and i can install the 21.2 version
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Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson converted comment to answer

Hi @Andre T6 ,

This is the 2nd time I've heard of this error. Can you please share some more information to help us to narrow down what the cause might be? Here are some things that might be helpful for us:

  • A screenshot of the Windows version information. Get this by hitting your keyboard's Windows key, then typing "winver" (no quotes), then enter. A popup with Windows version info should appear. Please attach a screenshot of that to a reply.
  • Is your Windows operating system fully patched and updated? No outstanding Cumulative Updates or anything?
  • Do you have any other versions of FlexSim installed?
  • Did you try both the .exe and .msi installer?
  • No change after rebooting? No change when right-clicking the installer to Run As Administrator?

Lastly, in the previous case the user was able to successfully install the 21.0.8 LTS version. Please try that also and let us know if it works for you.

Thanks for your help, and sorry for the trouble.

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Andre T6 avatar image Andre T6 commented ·

1. 1631799720445.png2. There is a cumulative update in my windows.
3. When i tried installing this version, no. I uninstalled my older flexsim version before installing the 21.2 version.
4. I tried both installer.
5. No change after rebooting and run as administrator.

I need this 21.2 version because there is a file that has to be open in this version sir.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Andre T6 commented ·

Thanks for the info, @Andre T6 .

On item 2, do you mean that there is an update that you could apply? If so, please run that, reboot, and try the installer again.

On item 3, what previous version of FlexSim had been installed?

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Andre T6 commented ·

@Andre T6 , another question:

Is this a standard Windows install on a PC?

Or is this Bootcamp on a Mac, or Parallels on a Mac?

Or any other type of virtualized environment?

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Andre T6 avatar image Andre T6 Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks for the information, i still downloading and installing the update. I will inform you soon after the update already installed.

My previous version of flexsim is 19.0, installed in standard windows on a PC.

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