
Annapareddy Sr avatar image
Annapareddy Sr asked Ryan Clark commented

Combination of genetic algorithm with dynamic programming fr solving TSP.?

I'm ding research on combination of Genetic algorithm with dynamic programming for solving TSP.

generaly in genetic algorithm we use mainly crossover, mutation, like that I have to use dynamic programming is one of the genetic algorithm.

could anyone help me regrading the implementation part.

FlexSim 21.2.3
genetic algorithmtravelling salesman problemdynamic programming
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Ryan Clark commented


I know of an implementation to solve the traveling-sales-man problem using OptQuest´s optimization engine. Maybe @Allister Wilson wants to chime in here. If you want the optimization logic in your own hand, you will have to create either a module or a dll with your logic to find a path in a given environment of destinations to travel to. Search for DLL Maker or Module SDK in the forum and the help to find information about how to expand FlexSim´s functionality.

Good luck

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