
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked Felix Möhlmann answered

When using 'hasSpace(item)' command and 'Storable Slots' at same time...

I found a strange issue followed;

I want to know if it is normal or a bug...

I am using 'hasSpace()' and unchecking 'Storable Slots' like attached capture.

And I set the start level to '0' and uncheck the 0 level as 'Storable Slots'.

And the result of model is the items not to be allocated in the level 1.


But when checking level 0 as ''Storable Slots', items put in the level 1.


It is normal or strange? A bug? or I am confused?


FlexSim 21.2.3
hasspacestorable slots
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The racks are set up to assign slots by label and the "Type" is used to determine the level. Since there are no items of type "0", nothing is assigned to the lowest level.

Also, the logic in the "Space" list expression actually assumes that all bays, levels and slots are numbered starting from 1 with increments of 1. (For future visitors; see this previous question:
In this case, this can be adjusted by introducing a fixed offset of 1 in the code. But if the stride were to change or a different addressing scheme using letters be used, the logic would have to be adjusted to loop through all bays/levels/slots and check their actual IDs, instead of just going by the amount.


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