
anon-user avatar image
anon-user asked David Seo answered

A part to carry one by one and a part to carry 10 pieces at a time.

A part to carry one by one and a part to carry 10 pieces at a time.

For one operator,

I want to set a part to carry one by one and a part to carry 10 pieces at a time.

The attached model does not work properly.

The luggage loaded in Queue3 will be transported by a useless route.

Where is the problem?

FlexSim 21.0.3
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anon-user avatar image anon-user commented ·


What I want to do is like this figure.

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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered David Seo edited

anonymous user

I fixed your model by setting the operator 'Break To' field to "Same Load Station".


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