
Clair A avatar image
Clair A asked Clair A commented

Dashboard charts display nothing, only an empty white square


A teacher reported to us that some of his students get an empty white square when they set a new chart in the dashboard, even after they reset & run, close & reopen the dashboard.

When they click on Reset, it creates a debug.log file as below:


This log reports that the files pied3.js, bard3.js, timeplotd3.js and histogramd3.js return errors.

Is it a known bug that have already been fixed in a later release ?

I have not found anything related to this issue in the release notes.

In the log, I'm surprised to read a reference to files found in C:/ProgramData/Flexsim/FlexSim21.1/flexsimweb/ , but when I compare on my computer I have no such flexsimweb folder at this location. My flexsimweb folder is at C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2021 Update 1\program\flexsimweb .

@Jordan Johnson

FlexSim 21.1.4
bar chartpie chart
debug.txt (138.9 KiB)
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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ commented ·

I haven't heard of this issue before. This is not a known bug or anything that has been fixed.

@Clair A In what directory was this "debug.log" file created?

There's not enough information here to replicate the issue. Without being able to replicate the issue, we won't have any idea what to tell you or what to do about it.

The simplest explanation for what is happening is that they dragged out a pie chart and didn't change its properties. Displaying a white box is not a bug. It is by design. Behold:


You haven't provided enough information that this could even be called a bug. This could just be everything working as intended based on your description.

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blank-chart.gif (798.5 KiB)
Clair A avatar image Clair A Phil BoBo ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for your answer @Phil BoBo .

The debug.log file is created in the same folder as the model.

I have found more information and posted in a comment to Jordan's answer.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I have seen a different directory for flexsimweb before. It was related to a missing or false WebKit.

white or not shown content can also be related to outdated graphic card drivers.

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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark commented ·

Hi @Clair A, was one of Phil BoBo's or Jordan Johnson's answers helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the one that best answers your question. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always unaccept and comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Clair A commented

This sounds more like an installer (or installation) issue. I wonder if they didn't have permission to write to the Program Files directory when they installed, and those files were put in the ProgramData directory as backup. Did they have full administrator access when they installed? I am suspicious of IT policies blocking or modifying what our installer expects.

@Phil BoBo or @Matthew Gillespie may have better information.

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Clair A avatar image Clair A commented ·

Thanks for your answer @Jordan Johnson .

The teacher confirmed to me that the flexsimweb folder is in the installation folder C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2021 Update 1\program\flexsimweb as expected.

And there is no flexsimweb folder in C:/ProgramData/Flexsim/FlexSim21.1/ .

I guess they had full administrator access when they installed, since in schools only the IT manager has admin rights.

In the same classroom, some PCs get the blank dashboard chart issue, some other PCs don't get the issue. According to the teacher, all PCs have the same configuration.

The first line in the log that I provided earlier is (translated):

  1. [1011/] Failed to decrypt: Invalid key for use in the specified state. (0x8009000B)

A quick online research leads to this post:

It quotes this page : "only a user with logon credentials that match those of the user who encrypted the data can decrypt the data."

Based on that information, I was able to replicate the issue. Here are the steps:

1. Log in on a PC with your admin rights.

2. Open the attached model Model1.fsm in FlexSim 21.1, reset & run, the charts are correctly displayed:


3. Don't close FlexSim, don't log off from your Windows session.

4. Switch to another Windows user (not admin) and log in on the same PC.

5. Open the attached model Model1.fsm in FlexSim 21.1, reset & run, the charts display nothing, only an empty white square:


6. And this has created a debug.log file (I just changed the extension to .txt since Answers does not accept the .log file extension):


  1. [1120/] Failed to decrypt: Key not valid for use in specified state. (0x8009000B)

I will ask the teacher if several Windows sessions where opened in parallel on the same PC. If yes, that would explain why this conflict occurs.

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1.png (15.2 KiB)
2.png (47.3 KiB)
model1.fsm (36.9 KiB)
debug.txt (118 B)
Clair A avatar image Clair A Clair A commented ·

The teacher confirmed to me that it's likely due to multiple Windows sessions.

@Jordan Johnson any feedback on my explanations above ? Do you think that it's relevant to have some user files created in C:/ProgramData/Flexsim/FlexSim21.1/ ?

If they were created in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Flexsim\FlexSim21.1 , then there would be no conflict between different users.

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Clair A commented ·

Thanks for the additional information. We'll add a case to the dev list to look into it and try adjusting the chromium cache directory from the program data directory to the user data directory.

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