
Akanksha R2 avatar image
Akanksha R2 asked Connor A commented

How to send patients directly to free stations rather than waiting room

The patients need to go for optometry first, but if all the optometry stations are occupied then I want them to wait in the waiting room. But in my model, regardless of whether the optometry is free or not, all the patients first go to the waiting room.

If any optometry station is free, so instead of going their directly, the patient will reach waiting area, sit for a second, get up and then proceed to optometry.

Please let me know how can I resolve this issueNewLayout(3 Nov 21)_autosave.fsm

FlexSim HC 5.3.10
patient trackwaiting area
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

First of all, FlexSim HC 5.3 is a very old version of the software that isn't really supported anymore. You should upgrade to FlexSim 2021 if you're going to continue simulating.

Now, the first activity in each of your tracks is a Patient Travels Unattended activity that is sending patients directly to the waiting room. You don't need this activity. In your model I changed the first activity to send the patients directly to the Optometry Area (I also had to create a connection in the Flowchart from the EntranceArea to the OptometryArea) and then deleted activity 20.

To get patients to use the waiting room when the OptometryArea is full you just click on the WaitingRoom object, expand the Entrance Criteria panel, open the properties of the Standard Entrance Criteria pickoption and change the No at the bottom to a Yes.


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