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shanice.c asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Setvariable of forklift forkinitialheight

I'd like to adjust fork height of forklift, I write both two ways.

setvarnum(Model.find("AGV02"), "forkinitialheight", 0.45);

getvarnode(Model.find("AGV02"), "forkinitialheight").value = 0.45;

May I ask why the fork only lift down for a short moment, after that it turns out to be it's original height? How could I change it's defaulted variable? Thank you!

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

Overall there are four variables controlling the fork of a transporter.

"forkinitialheight" determines at which height the motion starts.

"forkdestheight" determines at which height the motion ends.

"forkspeed" controls the speed (in m/s).

"forkbegintime" determines at what simulation the movement will start/has started. If the time is in the past longer ago than the time the movement would take, the fork will move to the "destheight" instantly.

In your case, the "destheight" is likely still set to the default value, so the fork immediately moves back to that position.

To start a normal motion you would set the initial height to the current height, the dest height to the wanted value and the begin time to the current model time.

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