
Tom S4 avatar image
Tom S4 asked Jeanette F commented

Composite state chart flickers between sets

I have composite state chart referencing a group of objects, each using the same custom state profile. When I run the model, it constantly flickers between showing one and two sets of states.

I have tried referencing the group of objects, referencing each object individually, and trying with both the composite pie charts and composite state bars. I feel like it may have something to do with the custom states, but I haven't seen much to suggest that. Any suggestions on how to start debugging this issue?

FlexSim 21.1.5
custom state profilecomposite state
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Tom S4 avatar image
Tom S4 answered Lambert commented

After more experimenting, it seems the issue happened with my custom state "Mixing" having the same name as the built-in state. I've changed my custom state to "mix" instead and the issue is solved. I'm not sure if anyone wants to look into this further, but for the purposes of what I'm doing this isn't a problem anymore.

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Lambert avatar image
Lambert answered Jeanette F commented


I have the same flickering issue when assigning the same display name to two states.

It also gets fixed when I change the names and use different ones.

However, is there a way to make two states fall under the same bucket?

In other words, I don't want to have "Travel Empty" and "Travel Offset Empty" showing in the pie chart as two different states (they are the same thing).

Can anyone help?

Thank you

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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Hello @Tom S4,

When I select the chart and delete the selected group and then reselect the group the flickering goes away.


Does this work for you?

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