
Pert P avatar image
Pert P asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How to create Process flow to find Floor Storage specified?

I have many floor storage in the model, I don't know how to create process flow to read specified floor storage on global table and then go follow data on global table.Demo Order Picking.fsm


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

If you only know the number of the storage like in your model updated model there are numerous ways to get a reference to the correct storage object from it.

If the number is just added to an otherwise common name you can use the "Model.find()" command, type in the common part of the name ("FloorStorage") and then add the number to the search string ( + string.fromNum() ).
A, in my opinion, more elegant solution would be to add the storage to a group and have the number in the table refer to the index of the object inside the group.
If possible, you can also directly enter the name of the storage object (or better yet a pointer to the object) into the table and use the "Object By Global Table Lookup" option in the "Assign Labels" activity.


Any of these will give you a reference to the correct floor storage which you can use in the find item query to only look for items in the respective storage (WHERE item.slot.storageObject == $1.labelName)

Finally, you could also define an address scheme for the storages and use the aisleID and/or zoneID to uniquely identify them. In that you wouldn't need a reference to the object but would instead just look up the ID from the table and use it directly in the query (WHERE item.slot.aisleID == $1.aisle). If you use this, be sure that the type assigned to the aisleID (letter, number) matches the data type entered into the table (string, number).


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