
Kevin-Hsiang avatar image
Kevin-Hsiang asked Ryan Clark commented

How to make AGV carry the specified item type value by order sequence?

In this model, the racks are generated to be item, every item are set the label named type(the type value from1-324, because the model include the 324 racks.)

About my operation:

To make AGV carry the specified rack by order sequence, in process flow "Order Generation", I use assign lable(named:Choose Type) to get item type value by the global table(named: AssignToRack).

My problem:

According to the above settings, If the item value is repeated set, the AGV will only carry the item with the same type value once. My goal is make AGV carry the item by order sequence, so that the item type with the same value have to be carried for more times.

To clearly describe my goal, my question as shown below:


AGV picking model.fsm

Is there any suitable way to do this operation?



FlexSim 22.0.0
agvglobal tableitem type
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hi @Kevin-Hsiang,

Thank you for your well-worded question! I was able to modify your model to achieve the behavior you're looking for. The main issue was that you were trying to push token.Type to the list instead of just token. Since every list has the option "Unique Values Only" enabled by default, the Orders list was only allowing three entries to be pushed to the list, and therefore was causing the Kivas to only pick up one order each. After I modified your Process Flow to push the token to the list instead of token.Type and modified elsewhere in the ProcessFlow to achieve the same logic as before, it seems to be working as desired.

One thing I did notice is that after ~600 seconds, the model freezes up because one of the AGVs is trying to find an item in the storage that has already been assigned to another AGV. Then, the AGVs are getting stuck in Storage. This sort of problem will probably be resolved once you add more types to the list to get picked from storage. If not, you could probably address the issue by using a Max Wait Timer on the Find Item activity and/or modifying some of the Pull from List activities. Exactly what changes you would want to make would depend on what behavior you wanted to occur after this problem happens.

If you have any questions about either part of this, feel free to let us know. I hope this helps!


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