
Pert P avatar image
Pert P asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Can I generate numeric by using process flow and record on global table?

I am doing to create numeric by using generate distribution process flow and I want to program record that generated on global table, can It? and How?

FlexSim 22.1.0
global tableflexscript codingprcocess flow
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered

Hi @Pert P, I think we might need some more information before we can fully answer the question. It sounds like you need to use a Custom Code activity with either the "Add Row and Data to GlobalTable" option or the "Write to GlobalTable" option (both in the Data section of the dropdown), depending on how the table is set up.

You should also be able to use the statistical distribution of your choice for the values in either of those options. You can find information about some common distributions that are available here:

The Distribution Chooser that is referred to on that page can also be used, and the easiest way to use that tool would be to use an Assign Labels activity prior to the Custom Code activity.

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