
Joe S2 avatar image
Joe S2 asked Jordan Johnson answered

N-Dimensional Tables

Good Morning,

I've recently been working with tables and expanding tables to cover more cases and it got me wondering...

Is it possible to create N-dimensional tables in Flexsim? (example: table[row][column][dim3][...][dimN])

I'm currently working around this by using subnodes to account for higher dimensions but the code is getting a bit busy with Table(node.subnodes[dim3].subnodes[...],subnodes[dimN])[row][col].

FlexSim 20.2.3
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

The Table class itself is designed to be a 2D table. If the depth is a multiple of two, you could maybe chain Table calls. The .cell() method gets a node, which you can then treat as a Table:

  1. // Access deep nodes
  2. // .value accesses the value on the final node
  3. Table(node).cell(dim1, dim2).as(Table).cell(dim3, dim4).as(Table).cell(dim5, dim6).value

The [] syntax is also available on the Array class, and Arrays can contain other arrays. So the following code would work:

  1. Array deepArray = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]];
  2. someNode.value = deepArray;
  3. int value = someNode.value[2][2][1];

The downside of this approach is that it can be harder to investigate the structure; it's not as easy to investigate in the tree as a treenode structure. You can right-click a node with Array data, and choose Explore->As Table. but that view shows a list of entries.

If syntax is the main concern, and you want to have a shorter way of accessing a deep tree structure, you could add a user command, something like this:

  1. // You can make a user command that takes a node and an array,
  2. // and returns a value from the substructure
  3. double someValue = getDeepData(node, [2, 1, 3, 1, 2]);

The code for that command would look like this:

  1. /**Custom Code*/
  2. treenode target = param(1);
  3. Array keys = param(2);
  5. for (int i = 1; i <= keys.length; i++) {
  6. // this could throw exceptions if the key requests a nonexistant subnode
  7. target = target.subnodes[keys[i]];
  8. }
  10. return target.value;

See the attached example for an example of each of these approaches.


indexexample.fsm (23.6 KiB)
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