
Marc R5 avatar image
Marc R5 asked Iago MF answered

clone column in a table


I am creating a custom code where I need to clone just an existing column into a new column, mantaining both for ordering. I cannot see any command that allow me to do this, not clone, clone to, addcol, etc.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,

FlexSim 22.0.2
custom codecolumnclone
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1 Answer

Iago MF avatar image
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Iago MF answered Marc R5 commented

Hi Marc,

You can use .addCol() and then a loop to clone values for all rows. You can also copy all values using a Table.query like this: Table.query("UPDATE GlobalTable1 SET [Col 4] = [Col 2]").

For example:

Table temp = Table("GlobalTable1");


temp.setColHeader(temp.numCols, "Col 4");

Table.query("UPDATE GlobalTable1 SET [Col 4] = [Col 2]");

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