
Franco V avatar image
Franco V asked Jeanette F commented

Change the output order in the conveyor/combiner

I have to create a array of 18 boxes long by 3 boxes wide at the exit of a freezing tunnel, and then at the final of the conveyor, I have to separate them in 18 blocks of 3 boxes each, like shows the image.


I'm using two combiners.

In the first one, i'm combining two sources, one with a plane and the other with the 18 boxes.

In the second, I'm combining one source of planes, with the first combiner, and making the array of 3 planes with the 18 boxes on it.

I managed to make the array of 18 boxes by 3 wide, created from 3 rows of 18 boxes each.

Now I have to make it so that as the array of boxes reaches the end of the conveyor, they are separated into blocks of 3 boxes.

I'm making the solution next to the main simulation.


LINK of the simulation: Simulation

FlexSim 21.0.10
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Franco V,

I changed your model in several ways. I use one combiner to put together 3 boxes. The boxes are fed onto a conveyor that slug builds until it has 18 and then releases them.



453 - Simulation (1)_1.fsm

Also if you go to Edit and then Model Settings you can unselect the Embed media option so the size of your file significantly decreases.

1654709201491.png (81.2 KiB)
1654709306803.png (24.5 KiB)
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