
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Whether copying activities is recommended while building process flow logic?

Hi Team,

I am developing model logic using process flow where I am copying multiple activities. But I can't separate process at activity level. Is it recommended to do so?

Thank you!


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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Some would say it's your choice.

If it's the same process you could just create 4 RunSubflow activities and then in the subflow put your Load, Process and Unload activities. If you do that then the process statistics would need to be interpreted/filtered if you wanted to know statistics on process 4. However if you have thousands of process invocations like this then youd be better having the single subflow. With thousands, even having that many RunSubflow activities would be hard to manage (manually - since there's no ProcessFlow api currently) so in that case you might have a table to define the process attributes and look them up from a single runSubFlow activity that you loop back to until the processes are finished.

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